Strange Stuff/What Is Life?

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Life is the greatest business transaction once you really think about this. When we do consciously think and ponder, means that a combined thinking, action, then branding exactly what all is after which selling it to ourselves while others. A big blend of paying and benefitting happen here also. It is business in the giant and realistic sense from your top (God along with the universe) into us (the individuals, beings, as well as the rest of it). Sure, I could allow it to become more complicated and “unrealistic”. Indeed, though, what could be the point? I mean psychologists, professional therapists and every one of the medical practitioners made it arcane and complex seeming enough considering the terminology alone.

So, I am here to resolve a simple question like “what is life?” and focus on the stuff of life from the only way I know how, and that’s simply, reasonably and realistically without puffing myself up excessive, and screaming over the paragraphs “Eureka, this is it, which ties things up” without causing more fearful and sophisticated questions to arise in what I am saying in regards to the simple fact that life is the greatest business transaction there may be in reality, and the rest is just silly theory that needs to be ignored besides the business of life itself, right right down to “being great”. In short, I am saying carry on the best it is possible to, and disregard envy and what others have from it, and carry on like an honest business that has to have your greatest focus on its details in fact.

As I write, I remember my Dad’s variation within the Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali poem about flying such as a butterfly and stinging being a bee, also it went such as this:

“Fly just like a butterfly
Sting such as a bee

I tend not to play!”

Instead of:

“Fly being a butterfly
Sting being a bee

Rumble, child rumble!”

Sure, my Dad Joseph Clayton looked physically like Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali, that is not the aim of this anecdote in the following paragraphs. The word “rumble” was a different term towards the word “bumble”, so my Dad changed it to emphasise the stinging part that doesn’t play, this is the point I am making and the man was making, you simply can’t “bumble” and play and allow it to become, you will need to sting, genuinely do look and allow it to become. That is the company.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer headquartered in Inglewood, California. I also write within a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that usually now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also have a senior center in Gardena, California as my employment, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Categories: Uncategorized

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